About Us
Despite the incredible growth of Florida’s population and economy, the construction industry is facing a skilled workforce shortage. To help promote the construction industry as a great career opportunity to Florida’s future employees, visionary industry leaders created the Future Builders of America (FBA). The mission is to engage in construction educational activities and help youth understand and pursue rewarding careers in construction.
FBA links students in area schools with the local building community. Guest speakers and field trips to building sites along with opportunities for summer and post-graduation employment help introduce students to rewarding opportunities in the construction industry. FBA meetings also provide for camaraderie and an opportunity for students to improve their leadership and teamwork skills.
FBA is a conduit for educating and training students in construction related programs and for employment opportunities in the construction industry via a network of local student chapters, scholarships, a student leadership development program, and other targeted marketing and public relations activities.
Mission Statement & Motto
Mission Statement
The mission of the Future Builders of America is to be engaged in construction-related educational activities, including assisting students in understanding and pursuing rewarding careers in construction and related trades.
FBA Motto
The Future Builders of America motto is “Learning today…Building tomorrow!”
NOTE: The use of the FBA motto and official logo by FBA chapters and volunteers is encouraged in general communications related to FBA activities. Use outside the context of FBA communications is prohibited.