P.A.L.M is an acronym that stands for Professionals Actively Leading and Mentoring. The Charlotte-Desoto Building Industry Association (CDBIA) has stepped forward in a big way to help with training the future workforce of the construction industry and Charlotte and Desoto in a cooperative effort by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), Florida Home Builders Association (FHBA), Future Builders of America (FBA) and other s to raise funds to support FBA programs.
Builder of Record:
The creator of this project is Beth Cantin Brown, co-owner of Cantin Homes and Contractor of Record for the P.A.L.M 2 Home. This home will be a showcase of local craftsmanship and will be for sale when completed. It will adorn the symbolic palm shutters on the front windows as a signature of the P.A.L.M. Home.
Our goal is to train students by building a home from the ground up. We are looking to increase enrollment in the tech centers with the project by expanding current classes offered to possibly include other major trades like electrical and plumbing. There is great potential for students to meet their future employer on the jobsite and get mentoring from local business owners. The business owners in turn have the chance to give back directly to the future of our community and make a real difference in our own back yard.
Beth Cantin Brown from Cantin Homes has the permit and we're ready to go!
The Official Groundbreaking - March 31, 2017.
Contractor Sponsor
S5,001 - S9,999 Cash or Donation Sponsorship
Journeyman Sponsors
S2,501 - $5,000 Cash or Donation Sponsorship
Trademark Construction Services of SWFL
West Florida Wiremen
Handyman Sponsors
S751 - $2,500 Cash or Donation Sponsorship
Anna Crapet Interior Design Services
Snyder Drafting Services
Student Sponsors
Up to S750 Cash or Donation Sponsorship
Bermont Road Fill Pit
Casa Pools
Maddie Williams
Young Trucking